Wednesday, March 4, 2009

State of the Union by Carl Moore

I saw this cartoon, and thought it worth sharing. It appears the American people are already starting to rise up, and the President's "honeymoon" with the media may already be over.

I've noticed more and more newspaper articles and editorials critical of Barack Obama's plans, policies, and cabinet choices. Just today, our local paper essentially called his Attorney General a racist.

My question is, "Where were they last year?"


WTexJoe said...

Oh, I think you're right on target.

You know, as I sub in the high school, it sometimes scares me to think that some of them will procreate and vote.

The gene pool needs some cleansing, especially in the political arena.

dons_mind said...

long live darwinism.........

WTexJoe said...

One more thing. Of all the places in the country D.C. is the one most in need of "gene pool cleansing."